Central Asian International Medical University

  • Kyrgyzstan
Central Asian International Medical University


The international department is a structure that overseas external and internal relations of the Central Asian International Medical University.
By order of the Academic Council No. 18 dated October 1, 2018, the department of international relations was opened, Zulpukarov Shaadatbek Akmatbekovich was appointed chief specialist. The roots of the institute are deepening, and international relations are becoming more intense every year. On February 24, 2020, by order of the rector No. 1 13, Kaliev Azamat Sayitovich was appointed head. The department conducts the institute’s diplomatic policy. Its main task is to establish relations with foreign and domestic universities, international organizations, programs, funds, and representative offices. The main principles of the department’s activities are:
Development of relations, strengthening of ties with international educational institutions.
• Academic mobility with foreign and domestic universities, organization of scientific trips, internships, summer schools.
• Promoting the integration and cooperation of the institute’s structures in the global educational space.
• Joint holding of international, cultural, sports events with partner universities.
• Working with international projects, programs, attracting investments to the institute, obtaining grants.
• Assistance in registration and obtaining study visas for foreign students.
Department address: Kyrgyz Republic, Jalal-Abad city, Lenin street 174

• Every day, dozens of students visit the International Relations Department and receive advice on educational programs and on academic mobility. Humane and polite attitude towards them is the main duty of the employee.
Messages about the meetings indicated in the long-term plans: 1. 2019. Vice-rectors of the Andijan Medical Institute and heads of structures, in order to get acquainted with the well-being of students and to hear, see, and also solve their pressing problems, decided to organize a route. 2. 2020 Vice-rectors of the State Penitentiary Service, heads of structures, having received information from students of MITH, FIZTEH faculties and the Confucius Institute, organized a meeting in the Great Hall of caimu for further interaction. The meeting was held at a high level and the students’ received answers to their questions. 3. 2021 The rector of Osh State University Ph.D., associate professor K. Kozhobekov, vice-rectors, together with the heads of structures, organized a meeting in the CAIMU conference hall for the purpose of close cooperation. As a result, a new bilateral agreement on mobility was signed.


Lenin St, Jalal-Abad 715600, Kyrgyzstan,715600,Kyrgyzstan
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