St. Petersburg State Medical University

  • Russia
St. Petersburg State Medical University


St. Petersburg State Medical University is named after acad. I.P. Pavlova which originates from the opening of the Women’s Medical Institute (ZMI) on September 14 (26), 1897. It is the first educational institution in Russia and Europe, in which women were given the opportunity to receive higher medical education. The Women’s Medical Institute became a generally recognized after its opening and authoritative example of the organization of higher medical education and science. HMI Clinics and departments became centers for the development and implementation of the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods into medical practice.

St. Petersburg State Medical University has trained over 60 thousand MBBS doctors since 1897 and many of them today are heading medical and educational institutions are leading specialists of our city and other regions of Russia. Other graduates work in Europe and the USA, in many African and South American countries, which has a beneficial effect on international cooperation in the scientific and educational fields.
This university is one of the leading medical universities in the country. The university is having a wide range of medical education programs and the system is unique by which the material is delivered and assimilated. It is also a large clinical center at the same time as students have the opportunity to apply the acquired skills in practice and each clinical department has its own base on the territory of the University. Also, the educational process is designed in such a way that at each level the form of student practice is as close as possible to the professional activity of a doctor in which the emphasis is on the personal supervision of patients in the clinic. Our first acquaintance of students with specific clinical cases occurs already in the third year which in unlikely to foreign medical universities.
One of the remarkable traditions of the university is the Cabbage Club which delighting students and teachers with its creative achievements for more than 60 years. In this club, the student has the opportunity to reveal their talents, try themselves in the performing arts and find like-minded people. The annual final Cabbage Evening is invariably a university-wide event with hundreds of students, faculty, and alumni. More than 5 thousand students are trained at 74 departments including the foreign ones. During the entire journey of the university citizens from Great Britain, USA, Portugal, Australia, Argentina, Sweden, Greece, Israel, India, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Cameroon, Cyprus, China, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Syria, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Sri Lanka, and other countries have studied within its walls. The university is actively incorporating into the European education system and in 2007 the university introduced a point-rating system for assessing knowledge, becoming participants in the Bologna process.


Ulitsa L'va Tolstogo, 6-8, St Petersburg, Russia, 197022,197022,Russia
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